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[callum-macdonald] Review: The Ballerina Who Loves a B-Boy
쇼비보이  showbom@gmail.com 2007-08-19 927


▶원문기사보기 - 2007. 08. 19


Review: The Ballerina Who Loves a B-Boy


Posted on 19 Aug 2007 by Callum I went to see The Ballerina Who Loves a B-Boy tonight. It was an awesome display of physicality. Some of the break dancing was utterly amazing. Guys swinging on their hands without their feet touching the ground, spinning on their heads, it was very, very impressive. The plot was a little ridiculous, but the focus was really the dancing. The ballerinas were good and there was some fantastic dancing from the other guys, but for me, the break dancers really stole the show. Backflips, hand stands, dancing on one hand, it was all in there. At one point, one of the dancers had two hands on the lighting pole and was holding himself up horizontally. Insane!

[KBS] 뉴스광장-에든버러 페스티벌 비보이를 사랑한 발레리나
[뉴시스]스코틀랜드, ‘비보이를사랑한발레리나’ 호평
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