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Korean b-boys rock the world
쇼비보이  showbom@gmail.com 2014-03-24 1796




기사원문보기 ▶ 2012-06-29



In Korea, b-boying is not simply defined as a genre of dancing, but it is becoming a broader artistic genre. This change was catalyzed by the musical Ballerina Who Loved A B-Boy in 2005. This was a major watershed. Since then, non-verbal performances that are amalgamated with b-boying have diversified. Such new attempts include b-boying to traditional Korean instruments played on the traditional Korean pentatonic scale, and musicals featuring taekwondo and b-boying together. B-boys who used to dance on the street are now dancing on the stage and creating a new cultural phenomenon.

“I saw a performance about b-boys, and I was impressed by how the Korean b-boys danced,” said Tsukiko, a Japanese tourist aged 28 after seeing Ballerina Who Loved A B-Boy at the Lotte World, Art Theater. “Their faces didn’t show any sign of fatigue, but were beaming with joy. I could see how much effort they must have poured into it, and it was beautiful.” She and her company said in unison that the time had gone by so quickly.

B-boying is expected to continue evolving to become a significant part of Korea’s signature cultural performances. And competitions will also continue. The sixth R-16 Korea 2012 is slated for July 7 and 8 in Seoul. This international competition drew over 60,000 spectators last year. This year, crews from 24 countries will compete in the preliminary rounds of seven regions to dance for the final triumph in Seoul.



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